Monday, 5 November 2018

New beginnings...

This is an empty space..

I used to write on this blog and I used to write about beauty and fashion and people liked it. Actually, they loved it. I loved it, I was 18 and the blogging community was somewhere that felt like home at a time when I hadn't discovered myself or who I wanted to be.

Words were always easy for me, I'm good with words and people in all aspects of my life tell me that. I can write and I do, often, every day and I feel at peace writing. My blog was something I was extremely passionate about and then I changed. We have all been young and utterly in love. I don't know why we romanticise life but I know I do, and he helped me to write my blog and take pictures and he read every single thing I posted and after our five year relationship broke down and I felt aaaalll the emotion through the very first time my heart got crushed - the blog felt like part of that. So I stopped and I think when I did a part of who I was disappeared too.

To write is important, and after much reflection I realise that what is pretty cool is that when we are no longer here, when we aren't present or can't feel the air hit our lungs what can we leave behind is our words. One really powerful way to leave a legacy is to leave a written one. One that could be part of forever. I often wonder whether the likes of Shakespeare, Napoleon or even Jane Austin would ever dream that their words would be reference point for people hundreds of years into the future, whether they had any grasp or concept of the way in which they would inspire literature forever. I am sure they didn't and I am sure when they first started to write their first book, sonnet or play it felt quite alien to them.

After any space from anything or having not done something for a while, it can feel like trying to ride a bike all over again, and the faster you try to go the more you shins get bashed and your foot gets stuck in the peddle and sometimes if you're really unlucky, you end up getting thrown right over the handle bars. But even when you hit the tarmac and grace both elbows - that doesn't mean we should give up.

So, I am going to give this another go, I am going to write again and even if no one ever reads it - I will continue to write because, this is my tiny way of leaving behind a legacy.

This is a completely and utterly blank, empty space and that excites the absolute hell out of me. The future used to scare me, the unknown used to terrify me and that's how I know I have grown because now all I see on this empty page is opportunity. And I know if I keep going then one day this place won't be so empty or have so many posts about my favourite lipstick - (clearly Mac angel was a fav back in the day!)


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