Disclaimers & PR


Firstly I just want to say that I began writing my blog due to the fact that I enjoy it and beauty products are a passion of mine. Therefore I spent a great amount of time taking photographs and creating content for my blog posts, all of the content on my blog is my own and on a rare occasion I have used a quote or picture from another source it will be referenced and linked so that credit is given to the right person. In the same way all of the content on my blog is protected by copyright laws and I would not expect to see any of my content being miss-used or for anybody to use it and take false credit.
PR Samples:
I am always happy to receive and review products that fit in with the theme of my blog, and I will accept any PR samples that I think my readers would be interested in, as of January 2013 all posts marked with a * in the post title will have been products that have been sent to me for consideration. This will not change the way that I review the product and any products sent to me will always get an honest and fair review in the same way products would if they were being purchased with my own money.

Unless a post is marked in the title with a asterisk * it will have been bought by me with the money that I earn. This is normally the case with the majority of my blog posts, I started this blog because I enjoy writing it and wanted to share my views on some of the beauty products that I own. I always endeavour to give a unbiased and 100% honest opinion of anything that is reviewed on my blog. It wouldn't help me to lie about anything that I review and therefore you won't see anything but the straight up truth on this blog, whether the product has been sent to me for consideration or not.

If you are a company and would like to contact me with regards to PR Samples then please feel free to email me on Gemsbeauty93@hotmail.co.uk.

© Gemma Bullock @ Gem's Beauty - 2012 - 2013. All content mine or otherwise stated.


  1. nice blog!new follower! follow me http://glitter1990.blogspot.gr/

  2. Where have you been i haven't seen a post since i joined blogger probably longer and i started my blog almost two months ago lol you were one of the probably top 5 that i followed :D come post


I really appreciate and read every single one of my comments, check back too because I reply to every single one, I figure you took the time to write me a comment so I should take the time to reply! (although it sometimes takes me a few days) if you have any specific enquiries or want to reach me sooner with a question feel free to email me gemmabullock@icloud.com. Thank you so much for your support x

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