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In order to allow other bloggers to get some exposure and advertise on my blog I've decided to allow free blog button swaps on my blog. Basically all you have to do is contact me and let me know that you would be interested in a blogger button swap. Then I'll just grab your button and display it on the right hand side bar of my blog allowing people reading my blog to discover yours too. In return I would then ask you too share my button in the sidebar of your blog too. I think this is a great way for both parties to gain exposure and help each other to gain more readers. If you are interested in doing a blog button swap at all just leave me a comment underneath this page or you can tweet me @Gemsbeauty93 or email me at! Also if you haven't got a button but would be interested in doing a button swap then leave me a comment too and I can help you out with creating one! xx 

(As of 16/04/13)

Page Views - 28,539
Google Friend Connect - 724 Followers
Blog'Lovin - 318 Followers
She Said Beauty - 50 Followers
Twitter - 466 Followers

Total Followers - 1,558 Followers


  1. I'd love to do a blog button swap with youuuu xxx

    1. yay put your button on already hun :) xx

  2. I've put your button on my Blogger Button page :)

  3. Thank you for following me Gemma :) I'd love to do a button swap with you if you fancy it xx

    1. no problem Jade! aww no worries, do you have twitter or what's your email address or blog url so I can have a chat to ya :) xxx

  4. Hey, I just saw you followed my blog! Thanks so much, I have followed you back and would you like to do a button swap? xx

  5. Love your blog! Just started my blog so would love to do a button swap with you. Thanks!

  6. Hey Gem. I would love to do a button swap with you! Let me know if you want to :)

  7. Hey Gem, i wanna do a bottom swap with you forsuree, I just started blogging and learnt myself how to make them, i am getting consistent traffic everyday but i always just enabled the follow Tab last night so i can definitely use help with that lol, if you are into it let me know and ill grab yours right away, and pass you over mine :)

  8. hey I'm putting your button on my blog and I would love it of you could share mine too, I have a link on my blog under the page 'buttons' and my blog is
    thankyou :) xx

  9. I would like to have a blog swap button x

  10. lovely I would like to swap button with you :) i just put yours :)

  11. Your blog is so cute! I'd love to do a button swap with you! I added your button on my blog. <3

    xo Hannah
    Lip Gloss & Loose Curls

  12. Love your blog, check mine out when you get a chance chick. Let me know your thoughts. xxx definately up for a swap button!! xx


I really appreciate and read every single one of my comments, check back too because I reply to every single one, I figure you took the time to write me a comment so I should take the time to reply! (although it sometimes takes me a few days) if you have any specific enquiries or want to reach me sooner with a question feel free to email me Thank you so much for your support x

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