Contact Me

I thought I would use this space to leave you all the links to where you can find me, follow me and chat to me, so please don't hesitate to contact me on any of the different links below:
Email (PR friendly) -
The email address I use for my blog is you can email me here any time of the day, my email's get sent straight to my phone and you'll probably get a reply fairly quickly. Email me about anything you want too, if you have questions or just fancy a general chit chat.
Twitter -
I love following lots of different bloggers on Twitter, so please follow me and send me your blog links. Twitter is such a really great way to connect with everyone and I update when a new post has gone up or something has changed on my blog too. You can chat to me here whenever you want too and if you have any questions and want a more informal setting then tweet me here too!
I loveeee blog'lovin, I've used it even before I started blogging to follow my favourite blog's and I now follow about 100 of my favourite blogs on it. It's such a cool website and they email you once a day with all the new post's from your favourite bloggers that you follow! I would love it if you could follow me on there!
She Said Beauty -
I don't know how many of you guys use She Said Beauty, but I just made an account and thought I would share my user name with you anyway in case you fancied following me or just generally checking it out. If you just type in my name or my blog's name you should be able to find me on there or you can just click the link above. It's pretty cool because it automatically streams my posts on there and I can like products and posts as well so if you follow a lot of blogs it's quite a cool way to keep up to date, you can also personalise your profile too. So if you're stopping on over there I would really appreciate you following me.
Hello Cotton
I don't really know how many people use Hello Cotton to follow blogs either but I thought I would link it anyway in case you wanted to give it ago. I'm absolutely rubbish at using this website and don't really have a clue what I'm doing, but I am going to try and work it out. Again I would love a follow if you're exploring on it!

1 comment

  1. I'm in love with your blog ! how did you add your comment message above the comment form on blogger ?- CHIC OUT OF TOWN BLOG


I really appreciate and read every single one of my comments, check back too because I reply to every single one, I figure you took the time to write me a comment so I should take the time to reply! (although it sometimes takes me a few days) if you have any specific enquiries or want to reach me sooner with a question feel free to email me Thank you so much for your support x

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