Thursday, 30 August 2012

Tag - 7 deadly sins

Hi Ladies,
Today I'm going to give this 7 deadly sins tag a whirl, the reason for me posting this tag is because I love reading them on everyone elses blogs, they give me a good insight into the persons blog i'm reading and they help me to relate to the writer as well, so I thought i'd give it ago. Especially as this one was simply a bit of fun. I've seen this particular tag mentioned on a few blogs and you tube video's recently so thought I may as well give it ago, so I hope you enjoy it a little.

1.GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?

The most inexpensive beauty product I own would be one of the MUA products, I have some lipsticks from their collection that cost £1.00 but are absolutely ace, everyone needs to give them a try, and I also have a £1.00 blush that I like, so definitely something from MUA, love that brand to death. My most expensive beauty product that I purchased for myself would probably have to be one of the Urban Decay pallets that I own, the Smoked Pallet took me back £35.00 which is quite a lot of money, (although I think it was worth every penny), if you think about it I could have brought 35 of the £1.00 range from MUA, so in this way it is quite expensive.

2.WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What product has been the hardest to get?

The beauty product that I have a love/hate relationship with would definitely be liquid and gel eyeliners, I love the way that they look when I have plenty of time to apply them and also am having a non shakey hand day, they look lovely and add such a massive pop to the eye. BUUUUT on early and hungover mornings they are an absolute nightmare, I hate the fact that for me they’re one of those products that is completely hit or miss, sometimes my liquid eyeliner will look dead on and other times it will look like a blurry, smudged mess and make my whole face look like an absolute disaster. The one beauty product that I would loooove to master.
I also have no idea what the hardest beauty product to get was, probably my Mac studio fix foundation, for some reason when I went to order it they didn’t have my shade (NC15) and they didn’t have NW15 either, plus there was no Mac counter anywhere near me where I could go and pick it up, so I had to settle for NC20, which is a completely crappy match for me. My shades back in stock now, so I’ll be picking that up soon as it’s right at the top of my wishlist.
3.GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
Hmm, I don’t really know what delicious means in terms of beauty products, I can’t say I’ve tried a lot of mine haha, probably my most favourite and lush product would be my Diesel Loverdose perfume, because it smells absolutely amazing, I could seriously spray this perfume around me all day and just live in a Loverdose dream. Mmm defo fav for life.

4.SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
The one product that I neglect the most in terms of my beauty routine would probably be my primers, I have the Urban Decay primer potion, but when applying my eyeshadows I can never really be bothered to apply it first, it’s a nice base and makes the colour pop but I don’t think it makes a huge amount of difference. I also go through stages of wearing face primers, but again if I’m in a rush or can’t really be bothered there the first thing I drop from my makeup routine because to be honest I don’t find the results to be very good, even after trying a huge range of brands.

5.PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
I think the one beauty product that makes the most difference to my face would probably be concealer, I know this might sound like quite an obvious choice, but I have the worst dark circles in the world, and I hate them. If I’m in a rush I will simply pop some moisturiser on the face, chuck some concealer on and then add some mascara to make my eyes pop and I feel fresh and ready to go. I think that therefore concealer and mascara give me the most self confidence. Concealer covers everything that I need it too and makes me feel more self confident about my skin and a light coat of mascara just opens my eyes, makes me look much more awake and together and that’s why they’re the products that give me the most pride.

6.LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
Hmm, I’ve always found this question a hard one to answer, I obviously am attracted to a nice smile and gorgeous eyes but I think the attribute that attracts me the most to any person would be their personality, in a guy I look for someone who can make me laugh, can keep me smiling always and someone like a best friend, I want someone who I can tell my deepest secrets too and confide in, I want someone who will listen to my constant rambling without complaints because they just love me for me. I guess, I just want character, I want a good person, with a huge loving heart and those are the attributes that I look for in the opposite sex.

7.ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
I can think of loads of products that I would like to receive as gifts, from really cheap beauty brands to super high end, I would love to receive some Nars products because they just look so beautiful, Mac as well or some benefit products. But if I’m completely honest anything which is beauty related would be a great gift for me and I’d love anything of the sort.

Thank you for reading, if you found it at all intresting give it a go yourself! I adore reading them :)
hope you enjoyed,
lots of love
Gem xxxx


  1. Great post, I really enjoyed reading this. Agree with everything you've said here, especially the bit about the gel and liquid eyeliners haha : )

    1. Thank you my lovely and for all the such nice comments! haha they are such a chore!! Xx


I really appreciate and read every single one of my comments, check back too because I reply to every single one, I figure you took the time to write me a comment so I should take the time to reply! (although it sometimes takes me a few days) if you have any specific enquiries or want to reach me sooner with a question feel free to email me Thank you so much for your support x

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