Tuesday 11 September 2012

Kim Kardashian - A contoured face

Hi Ladies,

This post is all about the gorgeous Kim Kardashian, I don't know how many of you follow her on twitter or instagram but the other day Kim posted some pictures of herself with her concealer and contour being worked on, I was so excited! She basically posted some pictures of where her makeup artist ‘Scott Barnes’ contours her face so that is has much more definition. What Scott does is use a much lighter concealer in order to catch the light in some places and then use bronzer in other parts of the face in order to contour and bring shade and definition to the face. Apparently it is one of makeup artist’s best kept secret in getting that really polished and sculpted face look.



 Out of all of the celebrities and people in the world I envy Kim Kardash the most, she is flawless, her makeup is absolutely stunning and I just wish I looked like her. She is definitely my style and makeup icon and if I could look as amazing as she does for just one day I would be completely over the moon. The thing I like about Kim, is how perfect her skin looks, I know she has a makeup artist, top end makeup and a hundred layers of makeup but she looks seriously lovely, and not one person on this planet could deny it. She uses her makeup to sculpt her face in a way that is almost breathtaking, she makes her skin look dewy and fresh and she never looks tired or dull or run down, she just always looks her best. AHH how envious I am. I think that all of the Kardashians makeup is gorgeous and so modern and I often watch their show and want to create the amazing looks they have. Kim Kardashian’s look is definitely my favourite though and the fact that she was brave enough to post a picture on instagram to allow us lot to nose at and try and create her look just shows what a good sport she is. I decided to try this tip out as soon as possible, for one Kim said to “try it at home” and for a second I’ve wanted to look like this girl for so long that I just had to hop right in and try it.



The diagram above is taken from Glamour Magazines website and shows you how to get the Kim Kardashian Contour is a more easy way, basically you bring light to certain area's such as the chin, the nose, the cupid's bow, under the eyes and the centre of the forehead and then contour others. Area's you should be contouring include the jaw bone, the cheek bones, the outside of the nose and the temples.

After all of the extra information i've received about contouring over the last few days from Kim Kardash herself i'm going to be giving this ago, so in the next few days look out for a post about the way I contour, using tips from Kim.

Hope this was useful for now,
Lots of Love
Gem xxx


  1. I literally cannot get over how much REALLY pale concealer she uses on her lovely face! xox

    Am following :) x

  2. ooooh i know! you never would have thought it, top secrets aiy ;)
    thank you! what's your blog link? :) would love to follow you back xx

  3. Her make up always looks absolutely perfect! xo

    1. i know i'm so jel! :( but it obviously takes a lot of time so we can't feel that bad! x

  4. She is so gorgeous, but i couldn't be bothered doing this to my face haha i'd get bored halfway through, this is why i'll never be as gorgeous as her!! haha


    1. she is indeed, haha i couldn't be bothered either, it would take forever! maybe give it ago for a night out but defo not every day! xxx

  5. I love her! being a MUA myself I can let you into a little insider info... Kim loves makeup forever HD foundation and a powder called banana powder by Ben nye. Always avoid a heavy powder if your being photographed though as it can cause serious flashback... Not pretty. Kim really is an inspiration. lovely post :) xx

  6. Oooooooh my gosh! thank you so much :) what a star, awww I heard she liked that foundation but didn't know about the other tips! Thank you! Xxx

    1. It's such an amazing product, it's yellow in colour and camouflages blemishes and just generally sets foundations and concealors. It's really hard to get here at the moment but it's so cheap, if I can remember its 3.oz for £8. xxx

    2. Ooooh that sounds really really good! Wow, that does sound cheap, I really wish I was American at times like this, they have access to much better beauty products then we do haha :p and for so much cheaper as well! Xxx

  7. If I hear of any or see any ill be sure to let you know! We use it a lot at makeup school when we are doing media and fashion based shoots xxx

    1. Awww okay thanks my love! Wow, that sounds good, I wish I'd done a makeup course, sounds like you've learnt so much!! Xxxx


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