Thursday 25 October 2012

Blogging Milestone - 100 Followers

Hi everyone,

Today's post is going to be very sentimental and I know that to a lot of you you'll be like 'alright, calm down love' but I reached 100 followers last night and was literally so happy. I know to a lot of people this will sound so silly and pathetic but it's my first blogging milestone. Around 3?! (god, how time flies) months ago I took the plunge and did something that i'd wanted to do for a really long time and created this blog. And I am literally so glad I did, before my blog I didn't have a hobby and I was constantly complaining that I was talentless and bored and this has therefore given me something that has actually really inspired me. I love waking up every day and checking if I have a new follower or a new blog comment and there is something inside me that makes me grin with pride when I see somebody say something nice about my blog. 
To some people 100 followers is nothing, and to be completely honest seeming as their is like over 7 billion of us in the world it's hardly an amazing achievement but to me it means an awful lot so thank you to every single one of you who decided to take the time to comment on my blog or follow me, you really have made me smile.

When I first set up this blog I honestly didn't think one person would be interested in what little old me had to say or my opinion so it's amazing to see that a fair few of you do care and do enjoy reading my ramblings. It took me a huge amount of courage to open this space on the web, I love it because it's my own personal area on something so big as the internet and it gives me somewhere to creatively express my self but it's actually quite scary too. So really this post is just a massive thank you too you all, I will try and host a giveaway soon as well, to show you just how grateful I really am. But for now, thank you for supporting me and I hope this is just step one on the journey of this blog and hopefully it will continue to grow and be supported.
Seriously thank you
Lots of Love to you all
Gem xxx

P.S - I promise tomorrow i'll be back to my old, un-soppy self actually i've got a haul for you, so don't worry, i'm not just loosing the plot! x


  1. congrats on reaching 100 sweetie!! xoxo

  2. Thank you for commenting on my blog! Let me know if you try the Beauty Elixir!
    Congratulations on reaching 100 followers!! :)

    Natasha Carly x

    1. that's alright my love :) yeah I will let you know my thoughts when I get round to trying it!
      thank you very much hun! i'm really proud haha! xxx

  3. congrats :)
    have a nice day ♥

  4. Congrats on reaching 100! and today is 105!! Keep growing and growing!
    Wish you the best! :D

    1. thank you Tonnomura :) ahhhh i hope so! fingers crossed aiy xxxx

  5. Checked your blog out from Tonnomura's nominations! Congrats!!! Awesome blog too and congrats again on reaching over 100 now coz I'm a new follower via gfc! :)

    Yours Truly,
    of aubzielation and Party Prints & Pieces

    1. awww thank you aubzie :) ooooh thank you so much for the follow, I will check your blog out asap :) xxx

  6. Congratulation! Hopefully I'll reach 100 followers soon :)
    BTW, I nominated to Liebster Award. If you have time kindly check on this link

    1. thank you! i hope you do too :) i'm sure it won't be too long!
      thank you for the nomination hun! really appreciate it xxxx

  7. Keep it up hunny! I have tagged you in the Liebster award post. Check it out :)

    1. thanks hun! and thank you for the nomination :) that's lovely of you xxx


I really appreciate and read every single one of my comments, check back too because I reply to every single one, I figure you took the time to write me a comment so I should take the time to reply! (although it sometimes takes me a few days) if you have any specific enquiries or want to reach me sooner with a question feel free to email me Thank you so much for your support x

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