Monday 22 October 2012

Fake Bake Beyond Bronze VS St Tropez Instant Glow Body Lotion

Hi Dolls,

This is another new post for my blog today, I haven't really done a post about Fake Tan ever before, the reason being is that i'm super pale and therefore I sometimes feel that Fake Tan just looks quite stupid on me, especially as all of the people around me know that i'm a ghost face. But recently i've actually been trying out a few fake tan products so instead of doing 2 bog standard reviews I thought i'd change it up a bit and do a comparison of two of the fake tans that I've been trying to use. I have been using a Fake Tan from two brands that rule the fake tan market, firstly a fake tanning lotion by Fake Bake and secondly a instant glow body lotion by St. Tropez. The reason that I decided to compare both of these products within a blog post was due to the fact that they are both instant solutions in terms of Fake Tan and neither of them are the kind of fake tans you have to wait to develop over night and secondly they are both wash off tans, which is perfect for me incase of those mistakes which I am very prone to making when trying to apply fake tan. Both of these products also have a fairly cheap price point so I thought it would be cool to compare them and see which worked better for me and my skin tone. One thing I need to say first though is the fact that I brought the Fake Bake product in Shimmer Light, which is one of the lightest shades you can get in it because I was scared to go super dark when I was first trying to get used to using tanning products. But the St. Tropez product is super duper dark, so they are very different in terms of shades but they both have the same concept behind the product.

The first thing I thought I would compare was the packaging, I know packaging doesn't really matter with fake tans because normally it gets completely smeared and ruined with the product inside anyway, but I do actually think that both of these fake tans have fairly nice packaging, they both have squeesy tubes though and i'm not sure if I like that. Later on in the post you'll see that I kind of had quite a disaster with the squeesy tubes of one of the products and a lot of the time the product just comes shooting out of these tubes which I actually don't really like. I would say that out of both of the products though I must prefer the Fake Bake packaging simply because it looks much prettier and also I am loving anything pink at the moment.

Fake Bake - Beyond Bronze - Shimmer Light - (£9.99 from Boots)

Right, next i'm going to be considering application of the product. In the pictures below you can see my arm before application, me applying the tan, me rubbing the tan in and then the finished product. I think that the application of this Fake Bake product was actually really simple, the product dispensed out of the tube fairly easily and I didn't get too much of an amount, the fake tan was also not so sticky that it wouldn't actually move so it made it really easy for me to rub it in. I rubbed it in with my fingers and a mitt so I could see which the easiest was and to be honest they were both made easy by using this tan, and I felt it worked into the skin well. The finished product was for me really great, I looked like i'd been out bathing in the sun and the tan wasn't really 'fake' looking, which i'm glad about because I don't want to look ridiculous, especially because of how pale I am. The scent of this fake tan was fairly good and didn't offend me too much and I loved how it just enhanced the look and feel of my skin, this tan was fake but looked quite real and that was something I absolutely loved about it. 

St Tropez - Instant Body Glow Lotion (£10.26 in Boots)

Next I tried using my St. Tropez Instant Body Glow lotion on my opposite arm. The main problem with this product was that one tiny squeeze managed to leave me with so much product on my arm, it was literally ridiculous (you can tell from the photo's) and I was less than impressed, I couldn't believe how easy it had shot out of the bottle, this meant that I ended up wasting a huge amount of product and because St Tropez is fairly pricey I wasn't really liking that very much. Anyway I progressed to trying to make it work and rubbed it in with my fingers and a mitt, in the end i discovered that a mitt worked the best due to how hard this product was to rub into the skin, to get an even application you definitely needed the addition of a tanning mitt. In the end you can see just how tanned my arm was left looking and in actual fact I didn't hate it, it was weird seeing how tanned I looked but I didn't think it looked too ridiculous, just very fake. I think a lot of people would prefer this product simply due to how well it builds up and gives you the 'fake' look that people desire these days. The only thing I would say about this product was the fact that I felt the tan had a slightly green tinge to it? I don't know if I just got a funny one but it seemed to be fairly green and I didn't really like that about it. 


Overall, I found it really hard to judge which of the fake tan's that I had tried actually looked the best, firstly I think that the different in amounts of products that I used made a fairly big difference and secondly I think both of these fake tans are great but for different uses. The fake bake fake tan was really good for during the day or just topping my self up so I look more healthy and glowing where as the St.Tropez was the best for looking more 'fake' and glamorous for a night out. Overall, I will continue to use both of these tans for different times and I think I actually quite like them both. Also I tested them both and they do both wash off fairly easily like the bottles state, so i'm actually fairly impressed with them both, it just depends which look you are going for with your fake tan. The price of the products are fairly similar and cheap so it just depends on personal preference. 

Thanks for reading
Lots of Love
Gem xxxx


  1. Hey nice blog here! Visit mine and let me know what you think, maybe we could follow each other!

    1. hiyaaa! :) thank you, yeah of course i'll check your blog out :) xx

  2. heeeyyyy! :) aww thank you, yeah would love too! i'll check your blog out asap :) xxxx

  3. i never tan (fake or sun) maybe I could try it for fun without damaging my skin with the evil sun :D
    Anyways I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Details on my blog :D

    1. haha you're like me then, i was always too scared to use a tan out of the bottle and I just don't seem to get anywhere tanning in the sun! thank you for the nomination hun! :) i will defo check that out! xxx

  4. I'm glad I found this post, I've been wanting to try the fake tan route... packaging matters to me, too, but both look good on you. Did you have any issues with it rubbing off on your clothing?


    1. awww thank you! yeah these fake tans are quite a safe option for beginners I think because they're easy to get off and easy to apply as well! I didn't have any issues with it rubbing off on clothes actually, which was amazingly good, you just have to make sure you really wait for the tan to rub in before you put your clothes back on, don't do it whilst the tans still a little bit tacky or i'm guessing you could end up with tan rubbing off on your clothes! xxx

    2. Awesome! Thanks so much, Gemma!!! Also, I was wondering, do you have a Facebook page for your blog? I'm trying to follow your posts, but for some reason I can't get Google Friend Connect to work... (I heard Google is getting rid of it next year actually :/)

    3. Awww no problem hun! :) I don't have a Facebook page for my blog yet, I didn't think anyone would 'like' it haha! I might think about setting one up though! I'll try and find another way for people to follow, maybe blog lovin or something! I can't believe google are going to get rid of gfc!!! That's going too annoy so many bloggers?! do you think we'll just lose all our followers? I'm glad you told me! I didn't know anything about it haha! Xxxx

  5. I really enjoyed this post! I have become slightly obsessed with fake tanners!
    I like that you've used pictures to show what the product itself looks like! :)

    Natasha Carly x

    1. awww thank you hun! glad you enjoyed it :) yeah i've been buying quite a few fake tans at the moment which is odd because it's becoming colder haha!
      oooh good, I wasn't sure if people would appreciate that so i'm glad you do!!

  6. i'm bigger on mousses usually but the st tropez one is so expensive, so i'll definitely be having a look out for one of these, i must admit i do usually like to be very dark when i use fake tan because i only really use it if i'm going somewhere, not for just day to day so i'd probably prefer the st tropez here too!
    thank you for these reviews, you've been so helpful!
    i love your blog too, i've just started following!
    please pop over for a chat any time, it'd be love to speak more, you just seem so lovely and down to earth.
    hope to hear from you soon,
    laura x

    1. oooh you are? i want to try some mousses, I have tried the St.Tropez one before but found it quite a long task with all the prep and stuff but I might give it another go! yeah the St.Tropez is quite expensive, the lotion's probably quite a good idea though because it's slightly cheaper and still just as dark?
      awww thank you for the lovely comment Laura,
      i'll be sure to check out your blog asap!
      you seem really lovely too :) so hopefully we can have a chat soon!
      thank you so much, you've made me smile! xxx

  7. I've heard really good things about the St. Tropez! I just can't decide if it's worth the money! The color looks really natural though.
    Love your blog!

    Alexandra Marie

    1. yeah it's one of those things! maybe look for a different alternative, i just brought st.moriz after hearing it was a really good dupe :) so i'll let you know if it's any good, because it's soooo much cheaper!
      thanks hun :) xx


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