Wednesday 24 October 2012

My fav Soap and Glory products

Hi Dolls, 

Today's post is going to be all about some of the Soap and Glory products, some of you who may have read my blog for a while or in the past may have seen that I have a slight obsession with anything from Soap and Glory, they're one of my favourite brands because everything they create smells amazing, is great for your skin and just leaves me feeling lovely. I have recently began trying out some of their makeup range as well and I love that just as much. Therefore I thought i'd show you guys four things from Soap and Glory that I absolutely love and would recommend to anyone of you. The four things I want to share with you are Hand Food, Face Soap, Clean on me and their famous Righteous Butter. 

The Righteous Butter


The first Soap and Glory product which I would definitely recommend due to the fact it's one of my all time favourites and one of the products that I think I would repurchase a good few times is the Righteous butter. On the packaging Soap and Glory claims that it is a body moisturising formula so smooth you might just feel like you're wearing velvet. And I could actually agree with that, this leaves my skin so so so soft, most moisturisers leave your skin fairly soft but this is the moisturiser that I think really actually does work and leaves my skin softer than when i've used anything else. It is quite a thick consistency but glides on to the skin and works in fairly effortlessly as well. I love the fact that this product has lasted me such a long time, it's 300ml which means you get absolutely loads of product and  you hardly need any to get your skin feeling hydrated. This product also smells really nice, which is typical of any Soap and Glory product and also has such cute packaging that stands out. I think all of the Soap and Glory packaging is gorgeous though. Probably the thing about this product that I love the most is how multi-functional it is, you can literally use this moisturiser everywhere. I use this daily in the mornings before I apply makeup and also after I have taken my makeup off at night time. I also use it on my arms and legs and literally all over my body and it has the same affect absolutely everywhere. It really is a miracle worker and I am so glad that I own it. I've had this sam tub since Christmas and since I use it every single day without failure I think it really has lasted well and therefore is worth the price tag of £10.50. Best of all I'm not the only one who loves this body butter, in actual fact it has won several awards including the 'Woman In Home - Best of Beauty Award in 2012'. Probably THE best product you could own from Soap and Glory. 

Face and Soap Clarity

Another Soap and Glory product that has made it's way into my daily routine would be this Face Soap Clarity 3 in 1 Daily - Detox Wash with Vitamin C. Now this product is simply a face wash that you can use every single day on your face, I normally use this at night time to refresh my face before I go to bed. Soap and Glory says "A high-tech, gentle non-drying foaming facial wash, formulated with complexion-friendly, easy-rinse surfactants and special SUPERFRUIT™ PLUM skin brightening complex" I would again agree with what they have said, apart from where it says non - drying, I do find that if I use this product too much I sometimes get a few dry patches on my skin, nothing major and it can easily be combatted with an extra bit of moisturiser. The thing I do love about this face wash is the skin brightening, it has small pink beads in and therefore when I wash my face it really cleans out my skin, I feel like it has really cleaned out all of my pores and left my face feeling really refreshed. I love how my skin does look brightened and squeaky clean and I also love how cooling this product is and also the smell. Again this product lasts fairly well, this is my second bottle but I feel like you only need a tiny amount due to the fact it foams a bit so I hardly have to use any product therefore again the £7.00 price tag is really justified and this isn't bad for a quality face wash. Really do love this product.

Clean On Me Shower Cream


My third favourite product from Soap and Glory would be it's Clean on Me Shower Gel, I absolutely adore this product, this and the Bubble Bath they do are absolutely amazing and so great for your skin. What I like about this shower cream is the fact that normally when i'm in the shower I opt for shower gels and they have a completely different formula, they are almost slippery but this product is completely different, it is a cream with a built in body lotion and therefore it glides effortlessly down the skin, it really cleans your skin and also leaves your skin feeling so soft. I feel like this cream lets me feel relaxed, it again smells heavenly and is very good for your skin. This is a 'treat' product for me though, it retails for £5.50 which isn't that bad for a shower gel at all, I always thought it cost a lot more, but this is seriously the most heavenly product for your showers ever. Soap and Glory actually says "Soft, smooth, sexy skin whenever you want it. Contains natural mandarin peel extract and a bonus built-in body lotion. Scented with our Original Pink™ fragrance" I would again agree with everything that S&G says, especially the fact you get smooth, soft and sexy skin. Again this product has won an award in 2011 from Company Magazine for being one of their beauty faves, so again i'm not the only one who thinks a lot of this gorgeous product.

Hand Food

Last but not least another product that I enjoy a lot from soap and glory would be their "Hand Food' rated 5/5 on Boots and being super moisturising for dry hands within the colder months it is an instant hit for me. It's nothing special or anything extraordinary but it simply does the job quickly and effectively, it smells nice, it doesn't leave your hands feeling really greasy for a long time and it retails for £5.00 and comes in the perfect size for you to just chuck in your hand bag if you're going to be out and about. It's simply one of those products you take for granted until you run out and notice how different your hands actually feel. Soap and Glory actually say Soap & Glory Hand Food™ Hand Cream 125ml is a super-silky gorgeously-scented non-greasy hydrating hand cream featuring fennel and lotus flower extracts, which leaves your hands super smooth." And again I completely agree with this description. 

Hope this has helped you and you've enjoyed reading my Soap and Glory picks
What are your fav products from S&G?
Lots of Love
Gem xxx


  1. I ADORE soap and glory products!! They smell like magic, seriously, I love them! I normally buy their body sprays...or if I feel like treating myself, then the righteous butter

    1. awww yes you're completely right, I absolutely love the smell of all of their products, could spend all day sniffing them! yeah I have a few of their body sprays as well, they're just as good! :) xxx

  2. I love the shower gel!& I always have a hand food in my bag mm :) smells so good!!xx

    1. awww good, glad i'm not the only one who loves it! yeah they all smell soooo good! mmmm! xxx

  3. Hey! We dont have S&G here in the Philippines. :( I nominated you love on the Liebster Award. here's the link.

    1. hellooo hun! oooh you don't :( that's such a shame! thank you for the nomination tho hun :) that's really lovely of you! xxxx

  4. I really need to try out the S&G hand food! I'm still a S&G virgin unfortunately :(


    1. ooooh go and do it, it's so cheap and boots always have 3 for 2! ;) haha bless you hun! x

  5. I really want the Hand Food from S&G! I went all aroud Bangkok's Boots stores just to find this and theyre sold out everywhere! :'(

    New follower here! I love your blog! Backread on some posts and I got hooked.

    The Misty Mom

    1. oooooh you do? ahh man that sucks, I hate it when I want to buy a product and can't find it anywhere!
      thanks for the follow hun :) you're so sweet i'll check out your blog asap :) xxxx

  6. I love all S&G products, they are so sugary delicious!

    1. awww me tooo hun! they are the best :) thanks for the blog link xxxx

  7. Soap and glory products are heavenly, first discovered them when I got a lovely gift set as a secret santa present last year and I've loved them ever since. My blog is in the early stages but please visit me at x

  8. I LOVE soap&glory products, they give me life!
    righteous butter and hand food are my favorites hands down

    jayj x.

  9. I'm desperate to try something from S&G, I've heard so many good things about them!

  10. Do you have any suggestion what S&G product can I use for dry sensitive skin? :)


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