Thursday 25 April 2013

Nars Laguna Bronzer Review

Nars Laguna Bronzer - £26.00 - Nars - here

Hi lovelies, hope you're all okay & are having a nice week. Today I thought I'd blog about a product I've only recently discovered which is Nars (very famous) Laguna Bronzer. Now everyone and their mum and their mums, aunts, best friends daughter has tried this product and probably most of them have reviewed it at some stage but when you love something as much as I love this I feel like it's almost my duty to share it with you all. 

Firstly I can't even tell you how excited I am to finally own this product. I would say that this is one of the most hyped up products you can find in the beauty world, show me a well known blogger or You Tube guru that hasn't tried this stuff or doesn't want too and I'll be impressed, everyone loves this, it seems to be a permanent in peoples make up bag and actually on their face. I think when a product is respected and talked about that much that you just have to try it - despite it's ridiculous price tag (well that's what I'm telling myself) soo I made a cheeky trip to Space Nk's website, chucked it in my virtual basket and nearly died when it got delivered the next day. This is actually my first Nars product and let me tell you since having this in my life I have a wishlist as long as my arm and I'm lusting over practically everything on the Nars website. 

Now I won't bore you with too much information but Nars Laguna is just a really nice bronzing powder and if i'm completely honest when I first opened it I wasn't that inspired. But trust me you apply this baby to your face and you can completely see why people name this their 'HG product'. Firstly one of the most exciting points about this product was the packaging. I heard countless amount of people moaning about how Nars packaging just got messy as hell, and yes it does and I've spent just as much time cleaning the packaging up with a baby wipe as I have with actually using it. But I still love the case it comes in, yes it's rubber but it feels so luxurious and sturdy and has a really nice big mirror in too so it's perfect for touch ups.

I think I've worked out that the reason Laguna is so fab is because it pretty much has everything you'd want your bronzer to have and more. First of it contains tiny bits of glitter so doesn't leave your face looking flat but equally doesn't leave your face looking like a big, fat shiny disco ball. And also it doesn't leave you looking really flat due to it being completely matte. It's just a really nice medium which leaves you skin kissed and glowing but also allows you to contour and look well and truly bronzed. Another amazing thing about this product is the colour, I feel like this is a really universal shade and it's one of the only bronzers that really works and doesn't look to crazy on my pale complexion. I think one tiny tap of this on your bronzer brush will be enough for us pale girls but if you're a bit darker it's super easy to build it up and make it work for you. The reason why Laguna is so loved is simply because it has ticked every single box in the bronzer area and it suits a huge range of people which just makes it perfect.

Nars actually says "Bronzing Powder creates the ultimate healthy glow. Diffused powders with golden shimmer create an all-over warmth or contour for the face perfect for creating or enhancing the look of tanned skin. Finely milled powders fills in lines and pores for smoother, more even looking complexion" and I would have to completely agree with everything they say. This product just gives you the most natural sunkissed glow and you don't end up looking muddy or orange or fake, it's just an effortless bronzed glow. I also find this bronzer to be super easy to blend, it seems to have a really smooth formulation which I like because you can really blend the product out if you are a bit heavy handed.

Next thing that's amazing about this powder is the staying power, I have a lot of trouble with makeup really witholding the test of time on my face just because I have oily skin but this lasts all day no problem which is really good, I find blush and bronzer two of the worst offenders for not lasting too long so when I saw Nars Laguna still firmly on my face after a day at work I was well and truly chuffed. This stuff has awesome pigmentation too so as I mentioned before you only need a tiny bit, that's good because you don't use as much and also it won't clog your pores if you're only using a tiny bit where as if you're piling it on it won't look natural and will clog up your skin. I find that just tapping the very tip of my Real Techniques contour brush in it gives me enough to contour those cheekbones and for an all over glow I would sweep a bit on my Real Techniques Blush brush all over my face.

Overall, I can say that this is probably one of my favourite beauty discoveries ever, I absolutely love it and can imagine using it for years to come. It just does everything and more that I would expect a bronzer too and I find it works amazingly on my skin type. There's a reason that the beauty world has given Nars Laguna a massive seal of approval and I completely agree. I can't believe I waited soo long to give this ago, it's amazing and I love it. Although I still do love my Bourjois Bronzing powder and if you're slightly more on a budget and don't want to splurge I would recommend that one too so make sure you check out my post on it here. But for me bronzer is one of those products worth splurging on & the results of this one are brill!
Anyway thank you for reading,

And let me know your favourite Nars products,
Lots of Love,
Gem xxx



  1. I was thinking of buying this product and thanks to your review I am so gonna buy it now :D

    Rebecca xxx

    1. aww yay! :) let me know what you think lovely! I really hope you like it :) xxx

  2. Loooove this bronzer! Although I hate that as soon as you hit pan it's only a matter of time until the whole thing shatters. The left overs of mine ended up in the bottom of my makeup bag :( Still upset about the whole thing ... haha! xx

    1. Yay Sandy! :) we have the same taste haha, oh no :( I really don't want that to happen to mine that's rubbish! :( Yeah I would be too, it's too expensive to end up at the bottom of your makeup bag! xxx

  3. I have been wanting this bronzer for ages and It is definitely a product I HAVE to get before the year ends. I daren't even put anything in a virtual basket or I will buy it just like you. It is such a bittersweet habit.
    Great review and thanks for making me want it just that little bit more.
    Rachel x

    1. Ahh I was exactly like you darl, I didn't buy it for ages and then one day I just randomly decided to take the plunge! :) I'm sure you'll end up with it at some point! Ahh no problem lovely!! xxx

  4. Ugh I want to get this bronzer so badly! Thanks for the review, it's great!! (:

    1. Ahh I wanted it for ages too :( Let me know if you give it ago lovely! :) xxx

  5. This was actually my first NARS product too and since buying it I have used it loads. Love it :) nice review! You are better that me at cleaning the packaging though I must say haha.


    1. Ahhh yay! We're the same haha yeah mines getting loads of use too which is good! OH ma god I cracked out a baby wipe to clean this before I photographed it and it still looks dirty in my photo's :( bane of my life this packaging haha! Thank you though hun xxx

  6. this review is so good, thank you! I'm going on holiday in July and this is something that I'm desperate for in duty free! Fingers crossed I can get my hands on it, it's too raved about to miss out on!

    1. Thanks Jodie! :) And awww no problem, thank you for reading! Ahh do it, hopefully you can find it and get a good saving in duty free, then you won't feel so guilty about the splurge! Ahh i know, I just had to give it ago! xxxx

  7. It's on my birthday wish list and would be my first nars product too! X

    1. Oooh hope you get it lovely! :) yay for first nars products! xx

  8. I've heard so many good things about this bronzer! I think its about time I invested in some.

    1. Ahh I heard so much for so long I cracked in the end haha! Let me know if you try it darl xx

  9. Oooo great review! Heard so many great things about this - definitely on my want list now xx

    1. Aww thank you Jessie! :) Ahhh give it ago i'm sure you'll love it lovely! I have such a long wishlist too haha! xxx

  10. I really wanna try this, but I think it is going to be too dark for me :( xx
    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Ooh really hun? :( I think it's quite a good colour for me and i'm quite pale too, give it ago at a counter or something first? xxx

  11. Great review. I've never used this but really want to now!


  12. I might give this one a whirl, it sounds really good. Damn it spending more money hah xx

    1. Yay do it hun! I'm in love haha, I know that's the only problem! why can't it be cheap as chips xxx

  13. I have always always wanted to try this! I recently mentioned a NARS product in my make-up wish list, I'd love it if you could check it out?

    Great blog- so informing! x

    1. Ahhh me too hun! been on my wishlist since I started my blog I think! Will defo check yours out hun :) thank you so much xxx

  14. I really now want to try this, sounds amazing!
    Added to my loooong wish list haha.
    Megan xx

    1. haha it really is, my wishlist is huge too?! don't think it'll ever end haha! thanks darl xxx

  15. Lovely post! The only reason I haven't tried this gem is because every time I swatch I see the glitter. But I do feel a little relief that you said it does leave your face looking like a disco ball haha! If you've tried Benefit you prefer it over that?? I may trade it up. I love Hoolas matte milky bronze but I want a deeper glow this summer. xx

    1. Aww yay thanks Ren! :) oooh really? yeah if you swatch it you do end up with a glittery hand but on the face it's more of a sheen? Noo I haven't tried hoola but want too so bad :( it's next on my wishlist so I will keep you updated! :) Defo thinks Nars is great for a summer glow though! xxx

  16. Great review! I have a mini laguna - I received it as a free sample when I bought something from the Nars UK website :) x

    1. Thanks Heather! Ooooh really? :) that's nice of them! I didn't know they gave mini ones out! xxx

  17. Hey I love your blog now following :) I really need to try this sounds amazing, Hope your having a great weekend xx

    1. Aww thank you so much Krystel! :) xxx

  18. this looks like a great bronzer although there are cheaper great alternatives :)


    1. Yeah I'd agree hun, if you can afford to splurge it's great but like I said I absolutely love my Bourjois one too which is much cheaper :) xxxx

  19. Your reviews are always in-depth which I love, I nominated you for an award on my blog, xoxo.

    1. Thank you so much Inez! :) such a nice thing to say, will defo check that out too lovely!! :) xxx

  20. Great review lovely :D Laguna is one of my all time fave bronzers

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


    1. Thanks so much Sophia! :) ahh I love it, knew I would though when you said that you did haha! xxx

  21. Hey it’s cool, I really liked it. Will be eagerly waiting for more.

    My Blog :- Nature Health Secrets

    And will love to hear from you. I am a new follower of yours hope the same from you.

  22. loving your blog.......super exciting is a girls best friend ..

    pop over and take a look at our blog...

    love to follow one another ..

    loves.......H&E xx

  23. I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I always am tempted to buy nars makeup i no the price isn't too expensive, but when you can get some a little bit cheaper i tend to shy away, how ever this has made me want to try it!!

    Hope you have got time to check out my blog. im now following you if yo enjoy mine follow back please :)

  24. wow! I think that my favorite products are a base from chanel, aqua lumiere, and also bronzing powder from sephora. It usually costs 15€ but I dont know why, in spring-summer they put it on sale for only 5€!! I bought it twice, first the firts time I sae it, and then the next year, when they put it in on sales again hahahha.

    Take a look to my blog if you want to, it'll be nice :))

  25. "Cool post!

    Much love,
    "Really enjoyed this post <3

  26. aw I've just been reading your blog and i love it!Please could you check out mine? if it's not too much trouble xox

  27. this looks amazing! Can we expect a look with this bronzer in an upcoming post?!

  28. that looks like a great product!!! love your blog!!!!
    Follow me back?
    -Jenna <3<3

  29. I dont own any nars products but i'm tempted to get some

  30. I've heard such great things about this bronzer! Good review.

    Cheers, Kelsey.

  31. I love Nars but I still haven't gotten round to buying this

    Dusterknuckles | Fashion // Beauty // Lifestyle

  32. i heard a lot of positive feedback about it! nars is such an amazing brand!

    Check out my latest OOTD :-)

  33. I would love to own it !!! One day :-)
    X x
    What a lovely blog :-) I'm glad I've discover it :-):-)<3<3 x x

  34. I would love to own it !!! One day :-)
    X x
    What a lovely blog :-) I'm glad I've discover it :-):-)<3<3 x x


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