Sunday 3 March 2013

Products That I've Used Up..

Empties Post #1
Hi everyone, hope you've all had a lovely weekend and your Sunday has been nice and relaxing! I've been looking at a new car today so that's been fun! Anyway, I've never done an 'empties' post on my blog before so after collecting some finished products for a few months now I thought I would give it ago. I love reading other peoples empties posts, I think you can really get an honest opinion of how somebody liked a product if they've used it all up. I find it really hard to use products up too and to be honest I only full use something up if I enjoy reading it otherwise it just seems to lay unloved in my drawer. Anyway i'll get on to the actual post.

Skin, Body & Hair Care Empties

Soap and Glory Calm On Me - Bubble Bath - This is probably one of my most favorite products ever from S&G and I have tried a huge amount of them. I love it because it has a built in body lotion which means your baths double up as a creamy lather and your skin is left smooth and moisturized as well as you having a lovely sweet smelling body bath. I will definitely be repurchasing this especially as this bottle lasted me a good year with weekly use. Such a good product.

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Shine Mask - I love Aussie hair care, I discovered this product in December and I've been using it on my hair pretty much every wash since, the bad thing about this was the fact that I thought this was a normal conditioner not an actual hair mask, but regardless my hair has never felt softer, shinier or in better condition and the smell of this product is out of this world. I have never ever repurchased a hair product but I couldn't imagine my hair without using this, i'm in love & I would recommend this to everyone.

Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Scrub - This isn't the most glamorous product but I suffer with blemishes and problem skin and this is one of the only products I've found that sorts it out and sorts it out fast. This is basically a gel with beads which exfoliate the skin and also help to get rid of any spots, blemishes or black heads and help to reduce pore size. If you're looking for a quick fix for your skin then this is a really good one & it's pretty inexpensive too.

Hugo Deep Red Perfume - I love this perfume & i'm really sad to have got to the end of the bottle, I think it's always a sad moment when you finish a fragrance and this was definitely sad for me. I love the smell of this perfume, it smells really sweet and refreshing but it almost has quite a musky scent and smells quite grown up so is lovely to wear in the evenings. I would recommend you giving this a spray if you can find it it's smell amazing!

Face Wipes

Boots No.7 Beautiful Skin Wipes - These wipes were a huge disappointment to me, I've heard a lot of people rave about them & because they retail at £7.00 a pack I thought they must be really good. I had a voucher which only made them £2.00 but I don't think I'd even buy them at that price again, I found them hard to use, they didn't remove my makeup very well and I had to use 2 or 3 to make sure my face felt really clean. I didn't mind these that much but I wouldn't say that they were worth the price or were anything to rave about.

Johnson Face Care Wipes - These are my fav face wipes ever, I've already got another 2 packs at the ready, I don't know what it is about these but they just remove makeup like a dream, they smell really good, they're wet enough and can cope with getting rid of waterproof mascara and they help improve the condition of my skin and leave my skin feeling really moisturized too! If you're looking for any face wipes look no further than these! 

Foundations, Powders & Concealers 

Mac Mineralize Skin finish Natural - I love this powder, I actually did a review about it here! It's the best powder I've ever tried, it looks so natural but gives amazing coverage and really makes your makeup look much more expensive and professional. I want to repurchase this but I think i'll keep it for night time wear from now on just because I go through powders ridiculously quick that's why there's so many mentioned in this post haha!

Max-factor Powder - I really love this powder too, it comes in the nicest compact with a sponge and  a mirror, you can read more about this in a haul here, it's perfect for every day, it has amazing coverage, is great for touch up's and lasts all day. I'd really recommend this beauty.

Rimmel Matte Perfection Powder - This is also a great powder and cheap as chips, this is just a translucent mattifying powder and to be honest at first I really didn't understand the hype but this powder is actually amazing for oil control, especially if you have an oily t-zone you can just sweep this on with a big fluffy brush and it will take care of it instantly. It's also fab for setting your makeup in place. 

Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation - If you've read my blog for a while it's probably no surprise to you that I have used up yet enough bottle of my trusty Rimmel Wake me up foundation, I love this stuff and will continue to repurchase it forever I think. I won't ramble too much about it because this bad boy has had a huge amount of coverage on my blog already but if you want to know a bit more about it feel free to read my full review here beware though it's a really old post & the picture quality is pretty awful.

Benefit Bo-ing Concealer - I find that I go through concealers pretty quickly and this one was no exception this is the Bo-ing Concealer by benefit, I didn't mind this the concealer and it did the job whilst I used it but I much prefer my Mac Studio Finish Concealer and therefore won't be picking this up again, I just felt like I needed a little bit more coverage personally, but if you don't have too troublesome skin or your dark circles aren't too bad then check this out because a lot of people love it.

Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer - Another concealer I've really liked is the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer,  it's amazing and just great because it's only around a fiver, as you can see I like this concealer so much I've gone through 2 and I will buy more once I've used up the rest of my concealer, I just sometimes think this one can look a little cakey under my eye area & the mac one I use now looks a lot more natural because it's a lot creamier.


Maxfactor's False Lash Effect Mascara - I really like Maxfactor Mascara's and I used this one for quite a long time & really enjoyed using it, it really made my lashes look long and volumised and I think the brush on this mascara was pretty impressive. I'm not one to repurchase mascara's because i'm still on the hunt for the perfect one but this was is pretty good.

Maybelline Falsies Mascara - Again a really lovely mascara, I love the brush because it's so unique and is almost curled so this one of the only mascara's i've found that really holds a curl and makes my lashes look curly, thick and long, I love maybelline mascara's too and if i'm going to pick one up from Boots it's normally Maxfactor, L'oreal or Maybelline.

Hope you all enjoyed this post, let me know what products you've been using up & if you've tried any of the products I've mentioned & i'll speak to you all really soon! :) xxx


  1. i absolutely love the aussie hair products!

  2. I love the Falsies mascara! :D

  3. I'm asking for Calm One Calm All for my birthday because i've heard such good things! I love Johnsons wipes too!

    Amy x

    1. oooh yeah do it! :) it's really amazing, defo the best s&g product! :) yay they're so good aren't they? I never hear anyone mention them & they're my fav!! xx

  4. I love love love the Mac mineralize powder. It just makes my skin look so amazing! I also love the Aussie 3 minute miracle smells so good.
    Great post!

    1. me too, it's such a good powder, it just makes you look so natural and glowing it's a miracle worker! yes I know! It smells gorgeous I can't get enough of it! Thanks Katie! :) xxx

  5. I need to try that Rimmel powder! I'm always looking for something to tame my oily skin!

    1. ooh defo try it if you get the chance, I know a lot of people love it! :) yeah I know me too :( sucks having oily skin! x

  6. The mac mineralize powder is something i love very much. I'll never get enough of it. Never tried the one from Rimmel, next thing to try out.
    Thanks for this lovely post.


    1. Yay me too hun, It's amazing! I could repurchase it forever! yeah I would recommend the one for Rimmel, cheap and cheerful! :) aww thank you for the lovely comment too! :) xxx

  7. I love love love Hugo Deep Red. My all time favorite. :)

    PrettyGloss - makeup, beauty & a lil gibberish

    1. Ooh I know hun it smells really good! :) xxx

  8. I swear we have exactly the same taste when it comes to products! I love every single thing you've mentioned here! Especially Soap and Glory and Rimmel, they're my go-to products all the time! Lovely post doll xxx

    1. haha I think we do! awww thanks Kendall, Rimmel& Soap and Glory are just the best! thanks for all your lovely comments darl! xxx

  9. Hello. I love the Johnson face wipes too. Great post;))
    xoxo Nika

    1. thanks hun! :) yeah they're really good! xx


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